Advisor's Message
Are we ready for 2002?
The 2-day 2nd USTNAA Grand Reunion in Michigan last September was definitely an affair to remember! Thanks to our superb host chapter …USTNA Michigan! Bravo Michigan, keep it up. The events took place in smooth successions from the Welcome Reception Night, to the half-day seminar, the tours, and the colorful Gala Dinner Dance. The attendance of many who came from various parts of the US and Canada was astonishingly amazing, given the fact that this reunion was held just two weeks after the terrorist attack on the WTC in New York. Despite the many Thomasians who backed out of their planned trip to Michigan, there were the brave ones who came from places in Canada as… Calgary, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ottawa; others who braved to take their seats on their previously booked flights from South Florida, the East and Western seaboard, and still others (like my husband and myself) who drove the distance to Detroit.
The atmosphere was electrifying…. Friends meeting friends, students meeting former teachers, former classmates deciphering the faces under the once familiar smiles and laughters… followed by screams of joy, hugs, and kisses! What an event! Are we ready for more reunions?
Oh yes! This year…. USTNAA travels to Las Vegas, Nevada!. Our gracious host volunteer is Minda Banaria (Class ’64) and her husband Frank. Although, currently there is no organized USTNAA Chapter in Las Vegas, the Banarias willingly took on the challenge of hosting the 3rd Grand Reunion on September 27-29th. This decision was made on the very first night… during the Welcome Reception, just to demonstrate to those of you who missed the excitement and enthusiasm that prevailed on the very first night of that memorable event. So guys and dolls, mark your calendars! Further details will be forthcoming. Note: This is an election year. The new set of officers for the next term will be elected. At this early date, please consider running for office and/or nominate someone to run for office. We will need a constant supply of leaders who will be willing to carry on the goals and mission of USTNAA. We will be counting on you for your leadership and commitment! Can we?
On November 17, 2001… USTNAA Chicago celebrated its 31st Anniversary Celebration As host, they graciously honored various jubilarians such as Class 1976 ( Silver), Class 1971 (Pearl), Class 1966 (Coral), and Class 1961 (Ruby). I was one of the Ruby Jubilarians. You should have been there to see Class ’61 all dressed in red! The Chicago weather was cold that night…. but the ballroom was aflame in red! It was hot, hot, hot!
We should have more of these USTNAA events all across the country. Visibility will be key to our continuing growth and viability. Another strategy for visibility will be the creation of a USTNAA Website! A proactive idea coming from Rose Estrada (NJ), our Editor–in-chief, a computer expert and guru. Rose, thank you for your willingness to let everyone know of USTNAA through this innovation. Welcome to the world of Dot Coms! Everyone…. you better get on-line or the world will pass you by!
Let us continue to join our efforts in pursuing our goals for the continued growth of USTNAA in every major city of the USA and Canada. Together as a team, we will succeed in making USTNAA a household name. Fellow Thomasians, that is our charge and challenge! Can we do it? YES…… WE CAN!!!!