In this ever-changing environment, our organization needs a paradigm shift in order to thrive into the future. Transformative Leadership is capable of leading an organization from the paradigm of the past to an operational paradigm for the future.
In this ever-changing environment, our organization needs a paradigm shift in order to thrive into the future. Transformative Leadership is capable of leading an organization from the paradigm of the past to an operational paradigm for the future.
I invite everyone…Let us Move Forward to The Future.
Danilo C. Bernal, DNP, APRN, PHN, NP-C, FNP-BC
UST BSN Class of 1991
USTNAI 2021-2022


In support of the year-long celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the UST College of Nursing, we present to you our first of four quarterly "KumUSTNAIhan" Virtual Cafe. This event also featured the launching of USTNAI's virtual Health & Wellness Program - Forward! Please watch and enjoy the video.

USTNAI Newsletter

Special Feature

Alay ng Puso: USTNAI Medical Mission
USTNAI Virtual Thanksgiving Mass

USTNAI invites everyone to attend our "Virtual Mass for Hope, Faith and Love in Excellence and Heart" on Saturday January 30 @ 5 PM PST/ 7 PM CST/ 8 PM EST/ 5 AM Sunday MNL.
This virtual mass is OPEN TO ALL as a Thanks-giving for all the blessings we receive and as a supplication for us to overcome the challenges amidst the global pandemic.
USTNAI Typhoon "Rolly" and "Ulysses" Relief Operation

According to Time Magazine, the Philippines is the most exposed country in the world to tropical storms. It is not unusual for the Philippines to have an average of twenty typhoons a year, with about three to five as more devastating than others. Compounding the current Covid-19 pandemic, having these unanticipated natural calamities further compounds the present scenario necessitating donations of funds and relief goods.
UST College of Nursing’s Diamond Jubilee

The much-awaited UST College of Nursing’s Diamond Jubilee initially scheduled for January has been postponed to November of 2021. This is to give ample time to plan for this significant event and momentous milestone of the college. This decision was in anticipation of the current impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic which up to now, the control and prognosis of the pandemic is still uncertain.
2020 PNAA Nursing Excellence Awardee

Mary Dioise Ramos-Tamayo ‘04 is this year’s recipient of the PNAA Nursing Excellence Award in Research. This is one of the five major PNAA given out every year which include Education, Clinical and Community Service. Ramos-Tamayo’2004 from the UST College of Nursing then her Master of Arts in Nursing at UST in 2009 and her Doctor of Philosophy from Georgia State University in 2018.
Be Charitable - Consider a Tax-Free Gift

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) which is an IRS rule that says you need to start taking distributions from certain retirement accounts that you own. It is the minimum amount that a retirement plan account owner must withdraw from his/her IRA account each year when you reach the age of 70 ½.

Face Mask Project