Dan Bernal
USTNAI President

President's Message
In this ever-changing environment, our organization needs a paradigm shift in order to thrive into the future. Transformative Leadership is capable of leading an organization from the paradigm of the past to an operational paradigm for the future. As a member of the Transformative Team, we can see the importance of organizational change, having a vision, and marshalling commitment to that vision to support the changes required. I am strongly passionate in building a bridge from where we are to where we want to be. With the past as a foundation, and the present as a stepping stone, I would like us to create the future for this organization.
I invite everyone…Let us Move Forward to The Future.
There is no turning back now to yesterday or last month or to last year…no matter how much we wish we could go back. We have to keep moving forward. We have to use all our courage and faith to focus on who we want to be now and who we want to be tomorrow. The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that we are not going to stay where we are…as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If we can’t fly, then we will run, if we can’t run then we will walk, if we can’t walk then we will crawl, but whatever we do, We Have to Keep
Moving …FORWARD!!!
USTNAI is now a brand that needs to be promoted in today’s processes. The Transformative Team composed of committed individuals across five decades of Thomasian Nurses from the 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s and the 2000’s will focus on the following;
The 4 Pillars of Success
1. INNOVATION – We will assimilate and implement relevant technological advancement into our organization to improve the level of our performance and achievement of our goals. We believe that the tactical application, responsiveness, executional agility and the speed of implementation of innovations will lead us to working smarter, faster, better and more cost effectively.
2. COLLABORATION – We will engage in the mutual benefit of sharing our resources, talents and expertise with other individuals, groups and organizations. Tolerance of status quo leads to deterioration and complacency. We believe that with collaboration, we will be able to identify best practices that we can adapt towards our own progress. And for us to acquire successful talents and encourage member engagement we must embrace and encourage INCLUSIVITY. Inclusion creates engagement and a sense of belonging. Therefore, along with membership engagement, we need to make sure that we are diverse and have an inclusive environment.
3. ADVOCACY - We will be actively involved in preserving our practice for our patients, family, for our members and for our causes. Nursing is inseparable from ADVOCACY. We will take action to help our members and other similar organizations to promote social inclusion, equality and social justice. We believe that advocacy is important to increase and retain membership. We will be representing our member’s interests, secure their rights and obtain services they need. In the process we create our organization’s relevance and value to our members now and in the future.
4. SERVICE – We will expand our services to our members to improve membership recruitment and retention. We need to add value to members to cultivate loyalty. We will maintain our community outreach programs and humanitarian services through our ‘Alay ng Puso’ platform in order to improve and leave our mark on our global and local communities. We will continue to build the positive image of Alay ng Puso as the “heart” of the Thomasian Nurse. This will solidify the Thomasian Nurses most cherished value and identity; that of being Nurses with Excellence and Heart.
In my next two years as your President, I will work very hard to lead the groundwork for the establishment of Alay ng Puso as USTNAI’s foundation that will coordinate all donations raised through fundraising. The Alay ng Puso Foundation will carry out our organization’s scholarship fund, educational grants, medical outreach and other humanitarian activities.
I consider the following words of Franklin D. Roosevelt to be very relevant to ALL of us; “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us MOVE FORWARD with strong and active faith.”
Danilo C Bernal, DNP, APRN, PHN, NP-C, FNP-BC
UST BSN Class of 1991
USTNAI 2021-2022